Question: What outdoor activities do you enjoy doing in good weather?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: I enjoy doing a variety of outdoor activities in good weather, such as hiking, cycling, swimming, and playing sports like tennis and basketball.

Reason: The reason why I enjoy these activities is that they allow me to be active, enjoy nature, and socialize with others, which are all beneficial for my physical and mental health.

Example: For instance, when I go hiking, I can explore new trails, breathe fresh air, and challenge myself physically and mentally, which helps me relax and recharge. When I go swimming, I can cool off and improve my cardiovascular fitness, as well as interact with other swimmers and enjoy the sunshine and scenery.

Alternative: Alternatively, some people may argue that the choice of outdoor activities may depend on personal preferences, accessibility, and safety, as well as the weather conditions and environmental impact, and that balancing enjoyment, health, and sustainability is important for long-term outdoor recreation.