Question: Do you think TV is still relevant in the age of streaming services?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Yes, I think TV is still relevant in the age of streaming services because it continues to offer unique and valuable features and benefits that cannot be fully replicated or replaced by streaming services alone.

Reason: The reason why TV is still relevant in the age of streaming services is because it provides a curated and diverse programming experience, high-quality production and distribution standards, and a shared cultural and social experience that fosters community, identity, and memory.

Example: For instance, TV programs such as news, live events, and series finales continue to attract large audiences and generate social buzz and conversation, while also providing a sense of connection and belonging to a larger cultural and historical context.

Alternative: Alternatively, some people may argue that the rise of streaming services has disrupted and challenged the traditional TV industry, and that the future of TV may require more flexibility, innovation, and adaptation to the changing media landscape and audience behavior.