Question: What traditional products are famous in your country and why?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: In my country, traditional products such as silk, ceramics, and tea are famous for their long history, high quality, and cultural significance.

Reason: The reason why these traditional products are famous in my country is due to its rich natural resources, diverse ethnic groups, and global trade networks, as well as its strong emphasis on aesthetics, spirituality, and hospitality.

Example: For instance, silk has been produced and traded in my country for over 5000 years, and is renowned for its luster, softness, and elegance. Ceramics, on the other hand, have a history of over 2000 years, and are valued for their unique shapes, colors, and patterns, as well as their functional and decorative uses. Tea is also an iconic product of my country, with a variety of flavors, aroma, and health benefits, as well as a ritualistic and social significance.

Alternative: Alternatively, some people may argue that traditional products in my country may also have regional or ethnic variations and meanings, and that respecting and learning from these differences can enrich the cultural diversity and dialogue of the society.