Question: Do you think athletes are good role models for young people?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: I think that athletes can be good role models for young people, but also need to be aware of their responsibilities and influence, and strive to embody positive values and behaviors.

Reason: The reason why athletes are often seen as role models is because of their skills, achievements, and popularity, which can inspire and motivate young people to pursue their own goals and aspirations. However, athletes also have the potential to perpetuate negative stereotypes or behaviors, or to prioritize their own interests over those of others.

Example: For instance, a basketball player who uses their fame and wealth to support social causes or advocate for justice can be a positive role model for young people who share similar values. On the other hand, a football player who engages in violent or disrespectful behavior on and off the field may send a negative message to young people who look up to them.

Alternative: Alternatively, some people may argue that athletes should not be seen as role models at all, and that their performance in sports should not be equated with their character or morality. Others may emphasize the role of parents, educators, or community leaders in shaping the values and behaviors of young people.