Question: What is your opinion on genetically modified organisms (GMOs)?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: In my opinion, GMOs can be beneficial in some cases, but also raise ethical and environmental concerns that need to be carefully considered.

Reason: The reason why GMOs are controversial is because they involve the manipulation of genes in organisms to achieve certain traits, such as resistance to pests or drought, or increased yields. While this can have potential benefits for agriculture, health, and industry, it can also have unintended consequences such as unintended ecological effects or risks to human health.

Example: For instance, a genetically modified crop that is resistant to herbicides might increase crop yields and reduce the need for pesticides, but may also lead to the development of herbicide-resistant weeds and other unintended ecological effects.

Alternative: Alternatively, some people may argue that GMOs are necessary to address food scarcity and malnutrition, or that they can be regulated and managed to minimize risks and maximize benefits. Others may advocate for alternative approaches to agriculture, such as organic farming or agroecology, that prioritize biodiversity, sustainability, and community-based solutions.