Question: Do you think students should have more or less homework?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: In my opinion, students should have a reasonable amount of homework that supports their learning and development, but not too much that it becomes overwhelming or stressful.

Reason: The reason why homework is important is because it can reinforce concepts learned in class, promote independent thinking and study skills, and provide opportunities for feedback and improvement. However, too much homework can also interfere with other aspects of students' lives, such as extracurricular activities, family time, or rest.

Example: For instance, when I was in high school, I had several hours of homework every day, which often left me exhausted and anxious. I found it difficult to balance my academic responsibilities with other interests and responsibilities, and sometimes had to sacrifice sleep or socializing.

Alternative: Alternatively, some people may argue that homework is unnecessary or counterproductive, and that students should be allowed to learn at their own pace and pursue their own interests outside of school.