Question: Do you think some rules are unnecessary or too strict?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Yes, I believe that some rules can be unnecessary or too strict in certain situations or contexts.

Reason: The reason why this can be problematic is because rules that are too restrictive or inflexible can limit creativity, innovation, and personal autonomy, and also create unnecessary burdens or barriers.

Example: For instance, some workplace rules or dress codes may be too strict or outdated, and may not align with the needs or preferences of employees or customers. Similarly, some social norms or etiquette rules may be too rigid or exclusive, and may perpetuate discrimination or inequality.

Alternative: However, it is also important to recognize that rules can serve important purposes, such as maintaining safety, fairness, or respect, and that some degree of regulation or guidance may be necessary in certain contexts. It is therefore important to evaluate rules on a case-by-case basis and consider the potential benefits and drawbacks.