Question: How do natural disasters impact the environment?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Natural disasters impact the environment by causing widespread destruction, altering ecosystems, and potentially releasing harmful substances.

Reason: Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and wildfires, can have devastating effects on the environment, disrupting the balance of ecosystems and affecting both plant and animal populations.

Example: In the case of a wildfire, large areas of forest can be destroyed, resulting in habitat loss for countless species and the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This not only affects local ecosystems but also contributes to climate change.

Alternative: While natural disasters can cause significant harm to the environment, they can also lead to ecosystem recovery and regeneration in some cases. For example, after a volcanic eruption, the ash and lava can provide valuable nutrients to the soil, promoting the growth of new plant life and eventually supporting a diverse range of species.