Question: How has reading changed with the rise of technology?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: The rise of technology has significantly impacted reading by offering new ways to access and consume books and other written content, such as e-books and audiobooks.

Reason: Technology has made reading more accessible and convenient, allowing people to read on the go and access a wider range of books and genres. It has also enabled new forms of interactive and immersive reading experiences, such as e-books with embedded multimedia.

Example: For example, with e-readers such as Kindle, people can carry thousands of books in a single device and access them anytime, anywhere. This has made reading more convenient and accessible, especially for avid readers who enjoy reading multiple books at once.

Alternative: Some people might argue that the rise of technology has also led to a decline in traditional reading habits, such as reading print books or long-form articles, and has increased distractions and multitasking.