Question: What is the impact of social media on fashion?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: The impact of social media on fashion is significant, as it has revolutionized the way people discover, share, and consume fashion trends and products.

Reason: Social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, have provided a space for fashion influencers, designers, and brands to showcase their creations and ideas, reaching a global audience instantly. This has led to the rapid spread of trends and styles, as well as increased access to fashion inspiration and shopping opportunities for consumers. Furthermore, social media has democratized fashion, allowing individuals to express their personal style and find inspiration from a diverse range of sources.

Example: For example, a fashion blogger on Instagram might post photos of their daily outfits, providing inspiration and shopping information for their followers, while a designer might use the platform to showcase their latest collection and gain exposure to potential customers.

Alternative: While social media has undoubtedly had a positive impact on the fashion industry in terms of visibility and accessibility, it has also contributed to issues such as fast fashion, overconsumption, and the pressure to constantly update one's wardrobe to keep up with trends.