Question: How do people typically support each other in friendships?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: People typically support each other in friendships by offering emotional support, encouragement, and practical assistance.

Reason: Emotional support involves being a good listener, empathizing with the friend's feelings, and providing comfort and reassurance during difficult times. Encouragement can help friends to pursue their goals and dreams, and to overcome challenges or setbacks. Practical assistance might involve helping a friend with everyday tasks, providing advice, or offering resources to help solve problems.

Example: For example, a friend might support their friend who is going through a tough breakup by lending a listening ear, offering words of encouragement, and helping them to find new hobbies or activities to fill their time.

Alternative: In addition to these common forms of support, friends might also support each other by celebrating each other's successes, standing up for each other when faced with criticism or injustice, or engaging in acts of kindness and generosity to show their love and appreciation for the friendship.