Question: What are some common challenges that friends face?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Some common challenges that friends face include maintaining the friendship over time and distance, resolving conflicts, and balancing the needs of multiple relationships.

Reason: Friendships can be tested by factors such as geographical distance, busy schedules, or changing life circumstances, which can make it difficult to maintain regular contact and a strong connection. Conflicts can arise due to misunderstandings, differing opinions, or competing interests, and must be resolved in order to preserve the friendship. Balancing the needs of multiple relationships, such as family, romantic partners, and other friends, can also be challenging and may require compromise and communication.

Example: For instance, a close friendship might face challenges when one friend moves to another city for work, requiring both friends to make a greater effort to stay in touch and maintain their connection despite the distance.

Alternative: Other challenges that friends might encounter include dealing with jealousy, coping with the loss of a shared friend, or navigating changes in the dynamics of the friendship as each individual grows and evolves.