Question: How has technology changed the way books are written and read?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Technology has brought significant changes in the way books are written and read. Firstly, authors now have access to digital tools and software that assist in the writing process, making it easier to create and edit content. Secondly, the rise of e-books and audiobooks has made reading more accessible and convenient. Readers can now access a vast range of digital content, including books, articles, and blogs, from their smartphones or tablets, anytime and anywhere.

Reason: The advancements in technology have made it easier for writers to write and publish their work, and readers to access and consume content more conveniently.

Example: For instance, the popularity of Amazon Kindle has made it possible for readers to carry a library of books with them wherever they go. This is especially beneficial for travelers who no longer have to carry heavy books around.

Alternative: On the other hand, some argue that technology has taken away the traditional charm of reading physical books, and the feeling of turning the pages cannot be replicated in e-books.