Question: How has teaching changed over the years?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Teaching has changed in many ways over the years, due to various factors such as technological advances, social and cultural changes, and educational research and policies.

Reason: These changes have affected the curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and teacher-student relationships, among other aspects of teaching. They have also created new opportunities and challenges for teachers and learners, and have raised important questions about the purpose and effectiveness of education.

Example: For instance, with the rise of digital media and communication, teachers can now use various tools and platforms to enhance their teaching and engage students, such as interactive whiteboards, online resources, and video conferencing. Additionally, teaching methods have become more student-centered, collaborative, and experiential, emphasizing active and inquiry-based learning. Moreover, there is a growing emphasis on multicultural and global perspectives, as well as on skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and communication.

Alternative: Other changes that may have affected teaching include changes in the role of teachers, the expectations of parents and society, the use of standardized tests, and the availability of resources and support for teachers.