Question: What is your earliest memory of school?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: My earliest memory of school is playing with toys and drawing pictures in a colorful and spacious classroom, surrounded by other children and a friendly teacher.

Reason: Early memories of school can shape our attitudes and expectations towards education, and can reflect our initial experiences of learning, socializing, and exploring the world. They can also influence our motivation and confidence in pursuing academic goals and challenges.

Example: For instance, my early memory of school may have encouraged my curiosity, creativity, and social skills, and may have established a positive and supportive relationship with my teacher and peers. It may also have influenced my preferences and interests in different subjects and activities.

Alternative: Some people may not have positive early memories of school, as they may have experienced difficulties or traumas, such as bullying, discrimination, or academic struggles. They may require additional support or interventions to overcome these challenges and develop a positive attitude towards learning.