Question: What is your favorite product and why?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: My favorite product is my smartphone, because it allows me to stay connected with my friends and family, to access information and entertainment, and to capture and share memories.

Reason: Smartphones have become an essential part of modern life, as they offer a wide range of features and functions that can enhance our communication, productivity, and leisure. They are also convenient, portable, and customizable, and can reflect our personal preferences and identity.

Example: For instance, my smartphone enables me to make calls, send messages, and use social media apps to stay in touch with my loved ones, even if they are far away. It also allows me to browse the internet, watch videos, and play games to entertain myself, as well as to take photos, record videos, and create content to express myself.

Alternative: Other favorite products may include clothing, shoes, accessories, gadgets, or household items, depending on one's interests and needs.