Question: Why do people keep pets?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: People keep pets for various reasons, such as companionship, entertainment, security, and emotional support.

Reason: Pet ownership has been shown to have many benefits for human well-being, including reducing stress, loneliness, and depression, improving social skills, and promoting physical activity and cognitive stimulation. Pets also provide a sense of responsibility, purpose, and connection to the natural world.

Example: For instance, a person may keep a cat as a way to reduce their anxiety and improve their mood, as the cat's purring and affectionate behavior can have a calming effect on the person. A family may keep a dog as a way to teach their children responsibility and empathy, as well as to protect their home and provide entertainment.

Alternative: Other reasons why people keep pets may include cultural and religious beliefs, personal values and preferences, or practical considerations such as hunting, farming, or therapy.