VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 3: Topic Development

Question: Animal rights and welfare are growing concerns, influencing ethical consumption, scientific research, and human-animal relationships.

- affects ethical consumption decisions

- influences regulations on scientific research and testing

- reflects human-animal relationships and empathy

Further discussion questions:

- How can awareness and respect for animal rights be promoted?

- How do animal rights influence laws and regulations in scientific research and food production?

- How have perceptions of animal rights and welfare evolved over time?


Animal rights and welfare have become increasingly significant topics with far-reaching impacts. Concerns for animal well-being affect ethical consumption decisions, as people consider the sources of their food, clothing, and other products. Additionally, the awareness of animal rights has led to the implementation of regulations on scientific research and testing, ensuring that animals are treated ethically in these contexts. Moreover, discussions about animal rights reflect our human-animal relationships and the growing empathy towards other living beings.

Further Discussion Questions:

- How can awareness and respect for animal rights be promoted?

Promoting awareness can be achieved through educational campaigns, social media, and cooperation with animal welfare organizations. Encouraging people to learn about the impact of their choices on animals can foster a sense of responsibility and empathy.

- How do animal rights influence laws and regulations in scientific research and food production?

Growing concerns about animal rights have led to the implementation of stricter regulations on animal testing in scientific research and animal welfare standards in food production. This includes efforts to minimize harm to animals and explore alternative testing methods.

- How have perceptions of animal rights and welfare evolved over time?

Historically, animals were often seen as resources or commodities, but with the rise of the animal rights movement and scientific understanding of animal cognition and emotions, perceptions have shifted towards recognizing their capacity for suffering and deserving of ethical treatment.

Sample Answers

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