VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 3: Topic Development

Question: Subjects taught at schools not only impart knowledge but also shape the skills and worldviews of students.

- provides academic knowledge

- develops critical thinking skills

- influences personal interests and worldviews

Further discussion questions:

- How should school curriculums be modernized to fit the needs of the 21st century?

- What are the pros and cons of having a broad vs. specialized school curriculum?

- How does the school subject selection process influence students' career paths?


The subjects taught at schools do more than just pass on academic knowledge; they cultivate skills and shape students' perspectives. Firstly, they offer a foundation of knowledge in various academic disciplines, fostering intellectual growth. Secondly, they develop critical thinking skills, enabling students to analyze, interpret, and problem-solve. Lastly, they influence personal interests and worldviews, helping to mold students' attitudes and preferences, often shaping their future educational and career paths.

Further discussion questions:

- How should school curriculums be modernized to fit the needs of the 21st century?

Modernizing school curriculums for the 21st century necessitates integrating technology education, promoting interdisciplinary learning, and emphasizing skills like critical thinking, creativity, and digital literacy. It also involves addressing contemporary issues such as climate change, diversity, and mental health to prepare students for the world they will inherit.

- What are the pros and cons of having a broad vs. specialized school curriculum?

A broad curriculum exposes students to a variety of disciplines, fostering well-roundedness and versatile skills. However, it might spread resources thin and overwhelm students. A specialized curriculum allows students to delve deeply into their areas of interest, potentially fostering expertise and passion. However, it might narrow their perspectives and limit their adaptability in a changing job market.

- How does the school subject selection process influence students' career paths?

The subject selection process can heavily influence students' career paths. Early specialization might guide students toward certain careers but could also limit their options. A process allowing exploration before specialization may help students make informed decisions about their futures, aligning their career paths with their passions and talents.

Sample Answers

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