VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 3: Topic Development

Question: Sports activities contribute to physical well-being, character building, and social bonding.

- promotes physical health

- builds character and discipline

- fosters teamwork and unity

Further discussion questions:

- How do sports contribute to personal development and societal unity?

- What role does sportsmanship play in our perception of sports?

- Should schools invest more in sports programs?


Sports activities serve as a catalyst for physical well-being, character building, and social bonding. They promote physical health, aiding in maintaining a healthy weight, enhancing cardiovascular fitness, and improving overall body strength. In terms of character building, sports instill discipline, resilience, and perseverance, as they require consistent practice and determination to improve. They also teach important life lessons about handling success and failure gracefully. Moreover, sports foster teamwork and unity, as they necessitate cooperation, coordination, and understanding among team members to achieve common goals.

Further discussion questions:

- How do sports contribute to personal development and societal unity?

Sports play a pivotal role in personal development by instilling self-confidence, resilience, and leadership skills. Societally, they can promote unity by bridging cultural or social differences and fostering a shared sense of belonging and pride, as seen during national or international sports events.

- What role does sportsmanship play in our perception of sports?

Sportsmanship greatly influences our perception of sports. It teaches respect for opponents, fair play, and graciousness in victory or defeat, which can be applied to many life situations beyond the sports field. The emphasis on sportsmanship makes sports more than just games, transforming them into lessons in character.

- Should schools invest more in sports programs?

Schools should definitely invest more in sports programs. In addition to physical health benefits, sports provide a well-rounded education, teaching teamwork, problem-solving, and discipline. They also serve as a way to provide equal opportunities for students, regardless of their academic prowess.

Sample Answers

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