VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 3: Topic Development

Question: Family is a cornerstone of society, providing support, socialization, and influencing our character.

- provides emotional support

- influences values and beliefs

- shapes personality

Further discussion questions:

- How has the concept of 'family' evolved over time?

- How do families influence the character and behavior of their members?

- How can the challenges faced by modern families be addressed?


Family, a fundamental building block of society, has an irreplaceable role in supporting and shaping individuals. It provides emotional support, acting as a reliable and nurturing haven during times of distress or uncertainty. Family is also influential in developing our values and beliefs. It's within the family setting that we first learn about societal norms, moral principles, and cultural traditions. Additionally, our families significantly shape our personalities, as family dynamics and interactions contribute to our emotional intelligence, communication skills, and overall character.

Further discussion questions:

- How has the concept of 'family' evolved over time?

The concept of 'family' has indeed evolved over time. Traditionally, a family was seen as a unit consisting of parents and their biological children. However, modern interpretations are more inclusive, encompassing blended families, single-parent families, same-sex parent families, and chosen families.

- How do families influence the character and behavior of their members?

Families influence the character and behavior of their members mainly through role modeling and setting expectations. From early childhood, we emulate behaviors and attitudes displayed by our family members. Parental styles, sibling relationships, and family values contribute to shaping our behavior, attitudes, and moral compass.

- How can the challenges faced by modern families be addressed?

Challenges faced by modern families, such as balancing work and family life, single parenting, or dealing with digital distractions, can be addressed through a variety of strategies. These include policy support for parental leave and flexible work schedules, providing resources and community support for single parents, and promoting digital literacy and healthy technology use within the family.

Sample Answers

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