VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

Your school wants to encourage students to explore different subjects. Would you suggest a cross-disciplinary project, guest lectures, or field trips?

- Answer:

I would suggest a cross-disciplinary project. This method fosters a holistic understanding by integrating multiple subjects, which can make learning more meaningful and relatable. It could encourage students to discover connections between different fields and possibly ignite interests they were unaware of.

While guest lectures can provide expert insights, they might be too specialized or abstract for some students to appreciate without sufficient background knowledge. Field trips, on the other hand, while interactive and immersive, might only expose students to a narrow aspect of a subject depending on the destination.

Cross-disciplinary projects, however, enable students to apply what they learn in a practical context, fostering both knowledge and skills. Collaborating on a project can help students see the real-world relevance of different subjects and how they intersect, which I believe would be most effective in encouraging them to explore different fields.