VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

Your friend asks for a book recommendation. What would it be: a mystery novel, a historical fiction, or a self-help book?

- Answer:

I would recommend a historical fiction book. Each genre has its own appeal, but historical fiction offers a unique combination of entertainment and learning that the other genres may not provide as extensively.

Mystery novels can be exciting and suspenseful, keeping readers engaged with unexpected plot twists. However, they might not offer much beyond entertainment value.

Self-help books can be very beneficial for personal growth and self-improvement, but they require an active interest and commitment from the reader to apply the lessons in their life. Moreover, the usefulness of a self-help book can depend on the reader's current situation and mindset.

Historical fiction, on the other hand, allows readers to immerse themselves in different time periods and cultures, providing both a captivating narrative and an opportunity to learn about history in an engaging way. This genre can broaden the reader's perspective, promote empathy, and increase their understanding of historical events and periods. So, considering the entertainment and educational values, I'd suggest a historical fiction book.