VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

Your friend wants to reduce the time they spend on housework. Would you suggest they use cleaning services, invest in automated appliances, or declutter their home?

- Answer:

I would suggest they invest in automated appliances to reduce time spent on housework. While all three options could be beneficial, automated appliances offer a long-term solution that not only saves time but also increases efficiency.

Cleaning services can indeed reduce housework time, but they come with a recurring cost and may involve coordinating schedules and letting strangers into their home, which some may find inconvenient or uncomfortable.

Decluttering the home is a good initial step to lessen the load of housework, but it doesn't inherently reduce the recurring tasks of cleaning, cooking, and laundry.

In contrast, automated appliances, like robot vacuums or smart washing machines, work independently and can handle repetitive tasks efficiently. For example, a robot vacuum can clean floors daily without supervision. An investment in these appliances might seem significant initially, but it will pay off over time in the hours saved.

Therefore, for long-term, sustainable reduction in housework time, investing in automated appliances would be my recommendation.