VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

You want to start a TV review blog. Which genre will you focus on: drama, comedy, or science fiction?

- Answer:

I would choose to focus on science fiction. This genre offers a rich vein of content to explore, as it often blends elements of technology, philosophy, societal commentary, and speculative imagination. This gives a lot to dissect and discuss in reviews, keeping the blog content engaging and stimulating.

While comedy and drama genres can certainly provide compelling material, their themes and narratives can often be quite grounded, dealing primarily with everyday life situations. On the other hand, science fiction has the ability to transport viewers to entirely new worlds, playing with futuristic concepts and possibilities that can spark intriguing discussions.

Furthermore, science fiction has a devoted fanbase always hungry for more content and discussion, ensuring a ready audience for the blog. It's also a genre that's continuing to grow in popularity with the rise of streaming platforms and high-budget productions.

So, by focusing on science fiction, the blog could tap into an enthusiastic audience and offer deep, insightful discussions on a genre that pushes the boundaries of storytelling.

Sample Answers

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