VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

You want to encourage a non-reader to start reading. What type of book would you suggest: graphic novels, short stories, or popular science?

- Answer:

I would recommend starting with graphic novels. While short stories may be less time-intensive, they can sometimes be dense and complex, potentially intimidating a non-reader. On the other hand, popular science books, despite being informative, can seem too academic or technical for someone not in the habit of reading.

Graphic novels, however, provide an optimal bridge. They combine visuals with text, making the reading experience more engaging and less daunting for a beginner. The illustrations can help readers visualize the storyline and grasp the context more effectively, thereby maintaining interest and facilitating understanding. They cover a vast range of genres and themes, so there's a high chance of finding something that aligns with the person's interests.

Although each type of book has its strengths, a graphic novel's approachable, versatile, and visually-driven nature makes it an excellent choice for inspiring a non-reader to explore the enriching world of literature.

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