VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

You want to improve your English speaking skills. There are three options for you: joining an English club, joining a class at an English center, or talkig to foreigners in public places.

- Answer:

I would choose joining an English club as the best option among the three for improving my English speaking skills.

Joining an English club would provide a supportive and interactive environment to practice speaking with like-minded individuals who share the same goal of improving their English. Engaging in group discussions, debates, and activities in the club setting would help me build confidence in expressing myself in English and overcome the fear of making mistakes.

While joining a class at an English center might offer structured lessons and professional guidance, it may not offer the same level of peer interaction and real-world practice that an English club can provide. In a class, the focus might be more on learning grammar and vocabulary, and opportunities for casual conversation might be limited.

Talking to foreigners in public places can be an excellent way to practice English, but it might not be as consistent or readily available as being part of an English club. Additionally, some people might feel uncomfortable initiating conversations with strangers in public places, hindering their language practice.

Joining an English club combines the benefits of guided practice with the opportunity to interact with others regularly. It allows for a relaxed and friendly atmosphere to make mistakes and learn from each other, making it the most effective and enjoyable option for improving my English speaking skills.

Sample Answers

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