VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

A friend asks for your advice on choosing a pet. Would you recommend a dog, a cat, or a fish?

- Answer:

If a friend asks for advice on choosing a pet, I would recommend a dog. Dogs make excellent companions and offer numerous benefits compared to cats or fish.

Firstly, dogs are known for their loyalty and strong bond with their owners. They are affectionate, and their presence can significantly improve one's emotional well-being. Dogs also encourage physical activity as they need regular walks and playtime, which can be beneficial for both the pet owner and the dog's health.

Secondly, dogs are highly trainable and can be taught various tricks and commands. This can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience for both the owner and the dog, fostering a strong sense of connection and communication.

Lastly, dogs are protective and can provide a sense of security, making them great companions, especially for those living alone.

While cats can also be affectionate, they are generally more independent and may not require as much attention and care as dogs. Fish, on the other hand, are low-maintenance pets but lack the interactive and emotional connection that dogs offer.

In conclusion, a dog would be my recommended choice for a pet due to their loyalty, trainability, and ability to provide companionship and security. Their presence can have a positive impact on one's life, making them an ideal choice for a pet.

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