VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

You are asked to suggest a fashion trend for the upcoming season. Would you recommend vintage style, eco-friendly fashion, or tech wear?

- Answer:

I would recommend eco-friendly fashion as the best fashion trend for the upcoming season. Eco-friendly fashion aligns with the growing global awareness of environmental sustainability and ethical practices in the fashion industry.

Choosing eco-friendly fashion promotes the use of environmentally friendly materials and production processes, reducing the fashion industry's impact on the environment. It encourages the use of sustainable fabrics like organic cotton, hemp, and recycled materials, which helps conserve natural resources and decrease pollution.

Furthermore, eco-friendly fashion supports ethical labor practices and fair wages for workers in the fashion supply chain. It encourages consumers to be mindful of their purchasing choices and opt for clothing that is both stylish and sustainable.

While vintage style and tech wear can also be trendy options, eco-friendly fashion stands out as a more responsible and forward-thinking choice. Vintage style may not address the environmental and labor concerns of fast fashion, and tech wear might be more focused on functionality and technological advancements rather than sustainability.

In conclusion, promoting eco-friendly fashion as the upcoming trend encourages a positive shift towards a more sustainable and ethical fashion industry. It allows fashion-conscious individuals to express their style while making a positive impact on the environment and society.

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