VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

Your school is updating its cafeteria menu. Would you prefer more comfort food, ethnic cuisine, or plant-based options?

- Answer:

I would prefer more plant-based options on the cafeteria menu. While comfort food and ethnic cuisine can be appealing and offer a diverse range of flavors, incorporating more plant-based options aligns with several benefits that outweigh the other choices.

Plant-based options cater to a wider range of dietary preferences and restrictions, including vegetarians, vegans, and those with certain allergies. It promotes a healthier and more sustainable diet, reducing the environmental impact associated with meat consumption. By introducing more plant-based meals, the school encourages students to make nutritious choices and develop healthier eating habits from a young age.

Comfort food and ethnic cuisine are undoubtedly enjoyable, but they may not always provide the balanced nutrition required for growing students. Plant-based options can be equally delicious and nutritious when thoughtfully prepared with a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, and plant-based proteins.

Moreover, promoting plant-based options in the cafeteria aligns with the growing global movement towards sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. It sets a positive example for the school community and reinforces the importance of making mindful food choices.

In conclusion, offering more plant-based options in the cafeteria menu is the most beneficial choice, considering health, environmental, and inclusivity factors. It encourages students to adopt healthier eating habits and supports sustainability efforts, making it a valuable addition to the school's updated menu.

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