VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

Your school radio station wants to play more music. Would you suggest pop hits, indie bands, or movie soundtracks?

- Answer:

I would suggest playing indie bands on the school radio station. While pop hits and movie soundtracks have their appeal, featuring indie bands offers a more unique and diverse musical experience for the listeners.

Playing pop hits might attract a larger audience due to their mainstream popularity. However, these songs are already widely played on commercial radio stations, and the school radio station could risk becoming repetitive and less distinctive.

Movie soundtracks can be emotionally evocative and familiar to many listeners. However, they are often associated with specific films and may not cater to all musical tastes.

On the other hand, featuring indie bands introduces students to a broader range of music and supports emerging and lesser-known artists. It provides an opportunity to discover new and fresh talent, encouraging a sense of exploration and appreciation for diverse musical genres.

Moreover, promoting indie bands aligns with the school's values of supporting creativity, innovation, and individuality. It can also foster a sense of community within the school, as students may take pride in their school radio station being a platform for showcasing independent and unique musical voices.

In conclusion, playing indie bands on the school radio station is the most distinctive and enriching option. It offers an opportunity to explore diverse musical talents, supports emerging artists, and aligns with the school's values. While pop hits and movie soundtracks have their merits, featuring indie bands ensures a more unique and engaging musical experience for the school community.

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