VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

Your school wants to increase student involvement. Would they create more clubs, host frequent events, or offer leadership opportunities?

- Answer:

I would suggest that the school creates more clubs to increase student involvement. While hosting frequent events and offering leadership opportunities are valuable options, creating more clubs provides a more diverse and inclusive approach to engaging students in various interests and activities.

Hosting frequent events can be exciting and draw a large number of participants. However, these events might not cater to the specific interests and passions of all students. They might also require substantial resources and planning, which could limit the frequency of such events.

Offering leadership opportunities is beneficial for nurturing student leadership skills and fostering a sense of responsibility. However, not every student may be interested in or feel confident in taking up leadership roles. Moreover, focusing solely on leadership opportunities may overlook students who prefer to contribute in other ways.

Creating more clubs, on the other hand, offers a wider range of options for students to explore their passions, hobbies, and talents. Students can join clubs that align with their interests, whether it's sports, arts, academics, or community service. Clubs provide a platform for students to connect with like-minded peers, develop teamwork, and engage in activities they enjoy.

Additionally, having a variety of clubs promotes inclusivity and diversity, allowing students from different backgrounds and with different interests to find a place where they feel welcome and valued.

In conclusion, creating more clubs is the most inclusive and effective way to increase student involvement. It caters to a diverse range of interests, provides opportunities for students to connect with like-minded peers, and fosters a sense of belonging within the school community. While hosting events and offering leadership opportunities have their benefits, expanding the variety of clubs ensures a more comprehensive and engaging approach to involving all students in school life.

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