VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

You have the opportunity to set up an event for you and your friends. Would it be a movie night, a picnic, or a hiking trip?

- Answer:

I would choose to set up a picnic for me and my friends. While movie nights and hiking trips have their appeal, a picnic provides a more relaxed and social setting, fostering deeper connections and a memorable experience.

A movie night can be enjoyable, but it often involves sitting in front of a screen, limiting interaction among friends. It might not allow for meaningful conversations or opportunities to bond.

On the other hand, a hiking trip offers a chance to connect with nature and engage in physical activity. However, it might not be suitable for everyone, especially those who may not be avid hikers or have physical limitations.

A picnic, on the other hand, combines the joy of being outdoors with the comfort of sharing a meal and spending quality time together. It encourages conversations, laughter, and a sense of camaraderie. Moreover, it accommodates different preferences and allows for various activities like playing games, chatting, or simply relaxing.

Setting up a picnic also provides flexibility in choosing the location, making it accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Whether at a local park, beach, or a backyard, a picnic is versatile and can accommodate a range of preferences.

In conclusion, organizing a picnic is the best option for me and my friends to have a memorable and enjoyable time together. It offers a social and relaxed atmosphere, fostering deeper connections and meaningful interactions among friends. It allows us to create lasting memories while accommodating different preferences and making the event accessible to everyone.

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