VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

You're starting a film club at your school. What type of films should be prioritized: classics, contemporary hits, or independent films?

- Answer:

I would prioritize independent films for the film club at my school. While classics and contemporary hits have their appeal, independent films offer a unique and enriching cinematic experience that can foster creativity, critical thinking, and appreciation for diverse storytelling.

Classics are undoubtedly valuable, as they provide a foundation for understanding the history and evolution of cinema. They showcase iconic directors, actors, and timeless narratives. However, they might not always resonate with the interests and experiences of modern students, and some may find them outdated or less relatable.

Contemporary hits are popular and entertaining, catering to a broader audience. While they can attract a larger crowd, they often receive widespread attention and coverage outside of the film club setting. Including them in the film club might not offer a fresh perspective or introduce students to lesser-known works.

In contrast, independent films often push boundaries, explore unconventional themes, and provide diverse perspectives from around the world. They can spark meaningful discussions and inspire creativity among students. By prioritizing independent films, the film club can support lesser-known filmmakers and encourage students to think critically about film as an art form.

Moreover, independent films often have smaller budgets, relying on innovative storytelling and unique filmmaking techniques. Experiencing and analyzing these films can open students' minds to alternative approaches to cinema, encouraging them to explore their own creativity.

In conclusion, while classics and contemporary hits have their significance, prioritizing independent films in the film club can offer a fresh and thought-provoking cinematic experience that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and a deeper appreciation for diverse storytelling. It allows students to explore the rich and diverse world of independent cinema and encourages them to think beyond mainstream productions.

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