VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

If you were to rely on one mode of transport, would you choose cycling, public transport, or a personal car?

- Answer:

I would choose cycling as my preferred mode of transport. While public transport and a personal car have their advantages, cycling offers unique benefits that make it the most appealing option for me.

Public transport is convenient and cost-effective, especially for longer distances or when traveling to areas with limited parking. It also reduces individual carbon footprint, making it an eco-friendly choice. However, it might not always be available in certain locations, and schedules might not align with my specific needs, leading to potential delays.

A personal car offers flexibility and convenience, allowing for door-to-door transportation and the ability to carry larger items. However, it comes with high costs, including maintenance, fuel, insurance, and parking fees. Additionally, car emissions contribute to air pollution and environmental degradation.

Cycling, on the other hand, is a sustainable and healthy mode of transport. It helps to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, promoting a cleaner and greener environment. It also offers physical exercise, benefiting my overall health and well-being. Cycling is cost-effective as well, as it requires minimal maintenance and no fuel expenses.

Moreover, cycling allows me to avoid traffic jams, especially in urban areas, and find parking easily. It also gives me the freedom to explore the surroundings at a leisurely pace, connecting with the environment and promoting a more mindful approach to commuting.

In conclusion, while each mode of transport has its merits, cycling provides a holistic and sustainable solution that aligns with my values of promoting environmental responsibility, health, and convenience. It offers a healthier lifestyle and a more enjoyable commuting experience, making it the best option for me.

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