VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

You're giving advice to a friend about improving communication skills. Would you suggest joining a debate club, reading more books, or attending communication workshops?

- Answer:

I would suggest attending communication workshops to my friend for improving their communication skills. While joining a debate club and reading more books are beneficial in their own ways, communication workshops offer a more focused and comprehensive approach to honing specific communication techniques.

Communication workshops are designed to provide hands-on training, feedback, and guidance from experienced facilitators. They cover various aspects of communication, such as public speaking, active listening, and non-verbal cues, which are essential in both personal and professional settings.

Joining a debate club can improve argumentation and critical thinking skills, but it might not cover other essential communication areas like active listening or assertiveness.

Reading more books is valuable for expanding vocabulary and knowledge, but it might not directly address specific communication challenges or provide practical strategies for effective communication.

On the other hand, communication workshops offer opportunities for participants to practice communication in a supportive environment, receive personalized feedback, and develop self-confidence in expressing ideas.

In conclusion, attending communication workshops offers a more focused and practical approach to enhancing communication skills, with professional guidance and immediate application. It allows my friend to address specific areas of improvement, making it the most effective option among the choices.

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