VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

What will you advise your friend to do on his first date this weekend? There are three options for you to choose: Going to a restaurant, Going to the cinema, or Going to a shopping mall.

- Answer:

I would advise my friend to go to a restaurant on his first date. While going to the cinema or a shopping mall can be enjoyable activities, a restaurant provides a more intimate and conducive environment for getting to know each other.

Going to a restaurant allows my friend and his date to have face-to-face conversations over a meal. This setting encourages open communication and facilitates a deeper connection between them. It also provides an opportunity to learn about each other's preferences and tastes through their food choices, creating potential conversation topics.

In contrast, going to the cinema can be limiting in terms of interaction, as they would be sitting in silence during the movie. While it can be fun to watch a film together, it might not allow for much conversation or personal connection.

Similarly, going to a shopping mall can be distracting, as there are various activities and stores that can divert their attention from each other. Additionally, it might be less relaxed and intimate compared to a restaurant setting.

In conclusion, a restaurant provides the best ambiance for a first date, allowing my friend and his date to engage in meaningful conversation, establish a connection, and create a comfortable and enjoyable experience together.

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