VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

You want to adopt a more sustainable fashion lifestyle. Would you start buying second-hand, choose eco-friendly brands, or simply buy less?

- Answer:

For adopting a more sustainable fashion lifestyle, I would recommend starting to buy second-hand. This approach not only reduces the demand for new clothing production, which is a major contributor to environmental pollution, but also helps in minimizing waste by extending the life cycle of the garments.

While choosing eco-friendly brands is a great initiative, it still encourages the production of new items, and it's often more expensive. It can be hard to determine if a brand's sustainability claims are genuine, and sometimes these brands can be out of budget for many people.

The strategy to simply buy less can indeed minimize personal environmental footprint, but it may be challenging to balance with the desire or need for style updates or replacements for worn-out clothes.

In contrast, buying second-hand is a more accessible option for most people. It’s often budget-friendly and can offer unique pieces that add to personal style while promoting a circular economy. So, in terms of sustainability, economic viability, and style diversity, I find buying second-hand to be the most effective choice.

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