VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

Your friend is considering moving and weather is a key factor. Would you recommend a place with a temperate climate, a tropical climate, or a cold climate?

- Answer:

I would recommend a place with a temperate climate. A temperate climate provides a balance of seasons, allowing for a variety of weather experiences without the extremes. Unlike a tropical climate, which can be oppressively hot and humid year-round, or a cold climate, which might involve harsh winters and heavy snowfall, a temperate climate offers a more moderate range of temperatures.

In a temperate climate, the changing seasons can offer refreshing variety and different opportunities for outdoor activities throughout the year, from summer hiking to winter snowball fights. This is something that can be particularly appreciated by someone who values weather as a key factor in their living conditions.

While it's true that tropical climates can offer abundant sunshine and beach opportunities, and cold climates can provide snowy landscapes for winter sports enthusiasts, these are more specific preferences. A temperate climate, with its balance and variety, is likely to be a more universally appealing choice, offering something for everyone, regardless of their specific weather preferences.

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