VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

You're starting a school band. Would you prefer it to focus on rock music, jazz, or pop?

- Answer:

Given the options, I would choose to focus our school band on rock music. This decision stems from my belief that rock music, compared to jazz and pop, offers a more diversified platform to cultivate various skills and express creativity.

Rock music incorporates various instruments such as the electric guitar, bass, drums, and sometimes keyboard, allowing more students to participate and learn different instruments. The energy and dynamism of rock music can also foster teamwork, as rock bands thrive on the chemistry and synchronization between band members.

Jazz, while rich and improvisational, might demand a higher skill level and musical understanding that could be challenging for beginners. On the other hand, pop music, despite its broad appeal, can sometimes be formulaic and less challenging, potentially limiting musical growth.

Choosing rock music for our school band could strike a balance between accessibility and complexity. It allows band members to explore a wide range of musical styles and encourages personal and collective growth. Therefore, I think rock music would be the best fit for our school band.

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