Zoom, Zooms, Zoomed, Zooming Quiz

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Zoom, Zooms, Zoomed, Zooming Quiz Questions

1. When an optical _____ changes its focal length, this will also change the angle of view.

A. Zooming

B. Zooms

C. Zoom

D. Zoomed

2. The work was really easy and I was able to _____ through it in a couple of hours.

A. Zooms

B. Zooming

C. Zoom

D. Zoomed

3. Potato Head to as a wife is own, later a puppy, _____ the characters.

A. Zooms

B. Zoomed

C. Zooming

D. Zoom

4. Brenda jumped in the car and _____ off.

A. Zooming

B. Zooms

C. Zoom

D. Zoomed

5. Boog flees to the city road where he finds trucks with hunters in them, _____ past him and he soon finds the glowing lights of Timberline.

A. Zooming

B. Zoomed

C. Zoom

D. Zooms

6. There are also some _____ lenses with a fixed maximal aperture.

A. Zoom

B. Zooming

C. Zoomed

D. Zooms

7. An optional third unnamed parameter can be used to specify the level of _____ needed on the map, from 1 for a worldwide view to 20 for the highest level of _____.

A. Zoomed

B. Zooms

C. Zoom

D. Zooming

8. Inflation _____ to 123%.

A. Zoom

B. Zoomed

C. Zooming

D. Zooms

9. The camera _____ in on the child's face.

A. Zooms

B. Zooming

C. Zoom

D. Zoomed

10. Every firearm in the game has either iron sights or a telescopic sight ; while using the sights, a _____ effect enlarges objects in view.

A. Zooming

B. Zooms

C. Zoom

D. Zoomed

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