Daub, Daubs, Daubed, Daubing Quiz

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Daub, Daubs, Daubed, Daubing Quiz Questions

1. It was an exhibition of _____.

A. Daubing

B. Daubs

C. Daubed

D. Daub

2. An exposed section of wattle-and-_____ may be viewed.

A. Daubs

B. Daubing

C. Daubed

D. Daub

3. Norman houses had a wooden frame with sticks and twigs woven in between, which is called wattle, and then it was all covered in a layer of _____ which was made from mud, wet clay, dung and straw.

A. Daubs

B. Daubed

C. Daub

D. Daubing

4. She _____ paint on the wall.

A. Daubs

B. Daubing

C. Daubed

D. Daub

5. His clothes were _____ with mud.

A. Daubed

B. Daubs

C. Daubing

D. Daub

6. The walls are _____ with graffiti.

A. Daubs

B. Daub

C. Daubing

D. Daubed

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