Concentrate, Concentrates, Concentrated, Concentrating Quiz

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Concentrate, Concentrates, Concentrated, Concentrating Quiz Questions

1. We must _____ our attention on efficiency.

A. Concentrated

B. Concentrates

C. Concentrating

D. Concentrate

2. At this age we _____ on the children's reading and writing skills.

A. Concentrates

B. Concentrate

C. Concentrating

D. Concentrated

3. Heavy industry was _____ in the north of the country.

A. Concentrate

B. Concentrating

C. Concentrates

D. Concentrated

4. She diluted the _____ fruit juice with water.

A. Concentrate

B. Concentrating

C. Concentrated

D. Concentrates

5. Be quiet - let me _____ on my homework.

A. Concentrates

B. Concentrated

C. Concentrating

D. Concentrate

6. The illness had impaired his ability to think and _____.

A. Concentrated

B. Concentrating

C. Concentrate

D. Concentrates

7. We need to _____ on the matter in hand .

A. Concentrated

B. Concentrates

C. Concentrating

D. Concentrate

8. Relaxing in a Jacuzzi _____ the mind wonderfully.

A. Concentrating

B. Concentrated

C. Concentrates

D. Concentrate

9. _____ study will help you to retain knowledge.

A. Concentrated

B. Concentrating

C. Concentrates

D. Concentrate

10. Our population is _____ in the big cities.

A. Concentrate

B. Concentrated

C. Concentrating

D. Concentrates

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