Conceive, Conceives, Conceived, Conceiving Quiz

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Conceive, Conceives, Conceived, Conceiving Quiz Questions

1. The policy was ill-_____ and wrong-headed.

A. Conceived

B. Conceiving

C. Conceive

D. Conceives

2. I can hardly _____ what it must be like here in winter.

A. Conceived

B. Conceives

C. Conceive

D. Conceiving

3. Many people can't _____ of a dinner without meat or fish.

A. Conceiving

B. Conceived

C. Conceives

D. Conceive

4. He could not _____ that anything really serious could be worrying his friend.

A. Conceives

B. Conceiving

C. Conceive

D. Conceived

5. She _____ love for the children.

A. Conceive

B. Conceived

C. Conceiving

D. Conceives

6. She _____ a dislike for her neighbor's son.

A. Conceives

B. Conceiving

C. Conceived

D. Conceive

7. Who first _____ the idea of building nuclear power plants?

A. Conceives

B. Conceive

C. Conceiving

D. Conceived

8. I simply could not _____ of a family of four living in such a small room?

A. Conceive

B. Conceived

C. Conceives

D. Conceiving

9. He _____ it his duty to help his deceased friend's family.

A. Conceiving

B. Conceives

C. Conceived

D. Conceive

10. It's difficult to _____ of living on the moon.

A. Conceives

B. Conceived

C. Conceiving

D. Conceive

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