Commence, Commences, Commenced, Commencing Quiz

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Commence, Commences, Commenced, Commencing Quiz Questions

1. Your first evaluation will be six months after you _____ employment.

A. Commence

B. Commences

C. Commenced

D. Commencing

2. This Agreement _____ on the date of signature hereof.

A. Commences

B. Commenced

C. Commencing

D. Commence

3. The government approved construction of the Tsuen Wan Line in 1977, then known as Tsuen Wan Extension, and works _____ in November 1978.

A. Commenced

B. Commence

C. Commences

D. Commencing

4. She _____ to cry.

A. Commences

B. Commence

C. Commenced

D. Commencing

5. Careful checks must be made before the factory _____ operation.

A. Commencing

B. Commenced

C. Commences

D. Commence

6. The course _____ with a one week introduction to Art Theory.

A. Commenced

B. Commences

C. Commencing

D. Commence

7. The bull-fight was to _____ in twenty minutes.

A. Commenced

B. Commence

C. Commencing

D. Commences

8. The planes _____ bombing at midnight.

A. Commencing

B. Commenced

C. Commences

D. Commence

9. He _____ studying law in 1988.

A. Commencing

B. Commenced

C. Commence

D. Commences

10. Work will _____ on the new building immediately.

A. Commenced

B. Commencing

C. Commences

D. Commence

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