Collide, Collides, Collided, Colliding Quiz

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Collide, Collides, Collided, Colliding Quiz Questions

1. These will _____ at a total center of mass energy of 0.5 TeV.

A. Colliding

B. Collided

C. Collide

D. Collides

2. If the aims of two countries _____, there may be war.

A. Collides

B. Collided

C. Colliding

D. Collide

3. This is the spot where the two trucks _____.

A. Collide

B. Colliding

C. Collided

D. Collides

4. A car and a van _____ on the motorway.

A. Collide

B. Collided

C. Collides

D. Colliding

5. They are very unlikely to _____ with other particles as they travel through space or through matter.

A. Collided

B. Collide

C. Colliding

D. Collides

6. After _____, the moons probably broke up into many particles, which survived as narrow, optically dense rings only in zones of maximum stability.

A. Collide

B. Collided

C. Collides

D. Colliding

7. As a result the two worlds _____ and it seems they are doomed by circumstance.

A. Colliding

B. Collided

C. Collide

D. Collides

8. Two trains _____ head-on.

A. Colliding

B. Collides

C. Collide

D. Collided

9. The President has again _____ with Congress over his budget plans.

A. Collides

B. Colliding

C. Collide

D. Collided

10. There was a hollow thump as the cars _____.

A. Collided

B. Colliding

C. Collide

D. Collides

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