Coax, Coaxes, Coaxed, Coaxing Quiz

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Coax, Coaxes, Coaxed, Coaxing Quiz Questions

1. I managed to _____ some money out of Dad.

A. Coaxing

B. Coax

C. Coaxes

D. Coaxed

2. I _____ him into taking me to a movie.

A. Coaxed

B. Coaxing

C. Coax

D. Coaxes

3. They _____ the grand piano through the door.

A. Coaxes

B. Coax

C. Coaxing

D. Coaxed

4. She needs a bit of gentle _____.

A. Coaxed

B. Coaxes

C. Coax

D. Coaxing

5. He _____ his elder sister into taking him to the circus.

A. Coaxed

B. Coaxing

C. Coaxes

D. Coax

6. We watched the bear _____ its cubs to enter the water.

A. Coaxing

B. Coaxes

C. Coaxed

D. Coax

7. 'Please, Vic, come with us,' Nancy _____.

A. Coaxing

B. Coaxed

C. Coaxes

D. Coax

8. We had to _____ Alan into going to school.

A. Coax

B. Coaxes

C. Coaxed

D. Coaxing

9. The driver _____ his bus through the snow.

A. Coax

B. Coaxes

C. Coaxing

D. Coaxed

10. Firefighters managed to _____ the man down from the roof.

A. Coaxing

B. Coaxes

C. Coaxed

D. Coax

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