Cluck, Clucks, Clucked, Clucking Quiz

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Cluck, Clucks, Clucked, Clucking Quiz Questions

1. This music sounds like hens _____.

A. Clucking

B. Cluck

C. Clucked

D. Clucks

2. The resulting sound is like the sound used in English to express annoyance, called a "_____ sound."Shenk, J.R. The city of San Francisco renamed a section of 16th Street in Sarria's honor for his lifetime of activism.

A. Clucks

B. Clucked

C. Clucking

D. Cluck

3. With a _____, _____, _____, _____, _____.

A. Clucking

B. Clucks

C. Clucked

D. Cluck

4. She stood _____ over the baby.

A. Clucks

B. Clucking

C. Cluck

D. Clucked

5. You dumb _____, why'd you tell him?

A. Cluck

B. Clucked

C. Clucks

D. Clucking

6. The final sound effect of a chicken _____ was so placed that it transforms into the guitar on the following track, "Sgt.

A. Clucks

B. Clucked

C. Clucking

D. Cluck

7. Edith _____ her tongue impatiently.

A. Clucking

B. Clucked

C. Cluck

D. Clucks

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