Cleave, Cleaves, Cleaved, Cleaving Quiz

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Cleave, Cleaves, Cleaved, Cleaving Quiz Questions

1. This wood _____ easily.

A. Cleaves

B. Cleave

C. Cleaved

D. Cleaving

2. This word comes from a Russian word "расколоться", that means "to _____ apart".

A. Cleaving

B. Cleaves

C. Cleaved

D. Cleave

3. DNA-_____ domains break the DNA strand and cut the gene base pairs out.

A. Cleave

B. Cleaved

C. Cleaving

D. Cleaves

4. They _____ a path through the wilderness.

A. Cleaved

B. Cleaving

C. Cleaves

D. Cleave

5. The women have also _____ gagged his mouth with a black leather strap.

A. Cleaves

B. Cleave

C. Cleaved

D. Cleaving

6. The energy driving this polymerization comes from _____ off a pyrophosphate.

A. Cleaving

B. Cleaved

C. Cleave

D. Cleaves

7. John still _____ to his romantic ideals.

A. Cleave

B. Cleaved

C. Cleaving

D. Cleaves

8. It is based on the 2005 novel "Incendiary Incendiary" by Chris _____.

A. Cleaves

B. Cleaved

C. Cleaving

D. Cleave

9. _____ weapons longer than 1.5 m would arguably fall into the category of polearms.

A. Cleaved

B. Cleaving

C. Cleave

D. Cleaves

10. To digest it an enzyme called lactase _____ the lactose into its two subunits glucose and galactose for absorption.

A. Cleave

B. Cleaving

C. Cleaves

D. Cleaved

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