Cheat, Cheats, Cheated, Cheating Quiz

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Cheat, Cheats, Cheated, Cheating Quiz Questions

1. Mark _____ all his friends; he is just a lowdown son of a bitch.

A. Cheats

B. Cheated

C. Cheat

D. Cheating

2. The examiner never left the classroom to make sure there was no _____.

A. Cheats

B. Cheat

C. Cheated

D. Cheating

3. She always claimed that I _____ at chess.

A. Cheating

B. Cheat

C. Cheated

D. Cheats

4. He explained that he had been _____.

A. Cheated

B. Cheating

C. Cheat

D. Cheats

5. Honest students despise _____.

A. Cheated

B. Cheats

C. Cheat

D. Cheating

6. Young people often feel _____ by their parents without knowing why.

A. Cheated

B. Cheating

C. Cheat

D. Cheats

7. It's not cricket to _____ at cards.

A. Cheats

B. Cheat

C. Cheating

D. Cheated

8. Save your breath, I know that my boyfriend has been _____ on me.

A. Cheated

B. Cheats

C. Cheating

D. Cheat

9. The ruling body wanted to duck the issue of whether players had been _____.

A. Cheating

B. Cheats

C. Cheated

D. Cheat

10. Don't look at my cards - that's _____ .

A. Cheating

B. Cheat

C. Cheats

D. Cheated

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